Sunday 13 April 2014

Preparations begin for Purple Parade 2015

Greetings to all the wonderful women of Southend...

Further to being overwhelmed by my grief this year, and as a consequence only being able to organise a Coffee Morning to Celebrate International Women's Day in Southend in 2014... team building and event development is going to start early... In fact it's starting next month as International Women's Day is far too important not to celebrate!!!

As you all know I use this event to raise money for two Charities through the sale of Parader's Commemorative Sashes... The cost of the sashes hasn't changed - They are £10.00 each and will be dispatched to the Paraders 14-days before the 2015 event...

In 2015, I aspire to gather a minimum of 1000, women from the Community to Parade with me in Commemoration of the women (our mothers, grand-mothers and great-grandmothers) who did so much to ensure that we and our daughters have the many freedoms we enjoy today! If we manage to get more than 1000 official paraders for the event, that would be fantastic...

So who are the charities you're supporting I hear you ask???
After costs:

  • 60% of funds raised will go to the SoS - Women's Refuge:
    The refuge provides a range of help and support to local women and children escaping Domestic Violence, including emergency shelter.
  • 40% Momo Biogas
    Momo Biogas is a project which I am involved with in Africa and seeks to improve the lives of women and girls in rural and remote Africa, starting in Kenya. More information about this project will be published in its own dedicated blog in the very near future.
As well as the Parade, I will also be hosting a Post Parade event, which will include a Market Places for local women's groups, community based charities and the many arty/crafty women from our local area to sell their good and or promote their services. We will also have some public speakers; to address you on issues which affect us all!

If you are interested in participating as a Parader, or if you would like to book a stall for the Post Parade Event, now is the time to start emailing me with your expressions of interest.

Contact me: